Who’s Who

Our Clergy

We are blessed to have a number of clergy members and Lay Worship Leaders who lead our services. We are led by our Rector is Rev’d Tim Laundon, pictured on the left below.


Our clergy (from the left): Rev’d Tim Laundon, Rev’d Errol Williams and Rev’d Dr Peter Howson.

If you need to get in touch, Rev’d Tim Laundon lives at The Rectory, 10 St James Street, Ludgershall, SP11 9QF, which is across the road from the church. His email address is revtimlaundon@gmail.com or phone 07894209833 or leave a message on the Answerphone on 01264 790042. Alternatively, make contact via our churchwardens – details below.

Our Lay Worship Leaders


Our Lay Worship Leaders (from the left): Sue Williams, Ros Leverett, Julie Walker and Sam Probert Ottewell. They lead worship at non-sacramental services, in schools, for children and young people and out and about in the community as need arises.

Our Parochial Church Council

The P.C.C. as it is known, is an elected group of representatives from the congregation who are responsible for the fabric of the church buildings and assets, and make decisions concerning finance, and health and welfare of everyone who participates in activities and ministries among other things. They are listed below.

Church Warden: Ted Stichbury

Church Warden, PCC Secretary: Julie Walker 01264 790448 julie.walker70@ntlworld.com

Treasurer: Michael Meade

Health & Safety: Tracey Webber

Dan Down

Sue Williams

Nigel Smith

Dale Lansley

Babs Dunning

Pat Porter

Tudor Venn

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